Pedro infante torrentera biografia de juan

Pedro infantelupita torrentera y lupita infante juntos. Pedro infante historical records and family trees myheritage. Pedro infante biografia, historia y legado musical. Pedro worked as a singer in the streets when he got opportunities on the radio and in the movies, becoming a popular idol there.

A bicycle mechanic, pedro infante falls in love with young maria luisa and they elope to mexicos capital when her mother opposes their relationship. Jose pedro infante cruz, better known as pedro infante, is perhaps the most famous actor and singer of the golden age of mexican cinema and idol of the mexican people, together with jorge negrete or singers like javier solis. Su hijo pedro infante torrentera fue tambien actor y cantante, y su hija lupita infante torrentera fue actriz. He was born on november 18, 1917 at mazatlan, sinaloa, mexico. Su hijo pedro infante torrentera fue tambien actor y cantante, y su hija lupita infante torrentera fue actriz, conductora y cantante. Pedro infante born november 18th, 1917, in mazatlan, sinaloa, mexico died april 15th, 1957, in merida, yucatan, was a mexican actor and singer.

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